The intention of architects was to admit the industrial history of the former factory of the Welding Research Institute, to revive the cankering building and create new spaces for offices, warehouses, shops and amenities with a distinctive industrial design. The complex is located on Sliačska Street. Connection to Sliačska Street is from Račianska Street. Industrial hall has the shape of T. The building consists of two parts – the steel one and concrete one, built at different times. In front of Sliačska Street were built-in three floors. On the ground floor, commercial establishments have been created and upper floors have been developed to office areas. Entrance hall remained at the original height, so it opens to the street. In the longitudinal part of the Welding Institute were located storage units with separate entrances, usable even for small manufacture. Over the length of the hall on the 3rd floor was created another floor for offices. The front part is architecturally more visual and the rear part is more technical. The building was before the reconstruction clean of all internal partitions and doors. On the façade, all filler structures such as windows, doors and glass walls have been removed. In the surrounding of the building, all existing garage blocks located on the property were removed. The northeastern and southwestern façade was removed to create a new window infill. Other facades of the hall were created by cutting out windows openings. New external walls are from monolithic reinforced concrete thick 200mm. The walls are stabilized at a level of the monolithic ceiling on the 1st and 2nd floor. The street facade is oriented to the northeast side.