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Tekla User Assistance
This is the central location for you to receive help and support for using Trimble Tekla products.
Tekla Downloads
From this service, you can download Tekla products, trials, and much more.
Tekla Discussion Forum
Here you can meet other users and discuss topics related to Tekla products. You can ask questions, share your knowledge and get assistance from support personnel.
Tekla Warehouse
This is a free, global BIM storage of Tekla Structures add-ons, libraries, and templates. Have an easy, convenient way to produce your high-quality models efficiently.
Tekla Developer Center
The one-stop hub for all Tekla Open API materials; API references, programming guides, exercises, code examples, and much more. join the Tekla Developer community to post questions and share best practices.
Virtual and classroom training courses at basic and advanced levels, give you the confidence and skills to be more productive with Tekla software.
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