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Grasshopper Tekla Live Link Beta Bridge Demo Part 1

Engineers are under growing pressure to be more productive and, at the same time, structural design is becoming increasingly complex. This has driven structural engineers to explore so-called algorithm enabled parametric modeling or simply parametric design

With parametric design, you can explore different design options. Just adjust a single value and every other part of the design that is affected by that change will automatically change as well. 

We have created a link from scripting software called Grasshopper to Tekla Structures that allows you to enjoy the benefits of parametric design even without previous knowledge of programming.

In this demo video, you will learn how the Grasshopper-Tekla link is used to generate concrete bridge decks as items in Tekla Structures.

Watch the second part of the demo 

Download the link from Tekla Warehouse (free for customers with a valid maintenance agreement)